Savage Gear Bullet Jighead

Da 6.90€


Savage Gear Bullet Jighead - nuovo modello colorato. Le teste piombate Savage Gear Bullet Jighead per  Savage Gear PVC RTF SWIM SQUID, sono state equipaggiate con potenti ami personalizzati e supporti per bloccare il corpo dell'esca molto resistenti: si montano in modo rapido, semplice ed efficace. Sono dipinti con una vernice luminosa durevole che aggiungerà un ulteriore livello di attrattiva a qualsiasi esca. La parte inferiore della testa del jig è dotata di un anello aggiuntivo per un facile fissaggio di assist hook o pungiglioni, se necessario.

Savage Gear Bullet Jighead - new model - painted. Specifically designed for use with the Savage Gear PVC RTF Swim Squids, these bullet jig heads are rigged with powerful custom hooks and very strong body holders – they rig quickly, easily, and effectively. They are painted with a durable glow paint that will add an extra level of attractiveness to any bait. The lower part of the jig head features an additional ring for easy attachment of assist hooks or stinger hooks if required.

Savage Gear Bullet Jighead. Les têtes de turluttes Bullet ont été conçues pour notre calmar nageur 3D et correspondent parfaitement à la forme de son corps ! Également idéal pour nos anguilles réelles LB et  PVC RTF Swim Squids

New Savage Gear Bullet Jighead. της Savage Gear σχεδιασμένα για τα Lb swim squids και όχι μόνο! Εφοδιασμένα με αγκίστρι heavy duty carbon steel.

Colore Selezionato

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Imperial Metric
Peso58 gr
Misura Amo#5/0
Pcs/Pack1 pcs
Materiale SinkerPiombo
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Peso74 gr
Misura Amo#8/0
Pcs/Pack1 pcs
Materiale SinkerPiombo
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Peso114 gr
Misura Amo#8/0
Pcs/Pack1 pcs
Materiale SinkerPiombo
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PesoMisura AmoPcs/PackMateriale SinkerPrezzoQtyAcquista
58 gr#5/01 pcsPiombo
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74 gr#8/01 pcsPiombo
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114 gr#8/01 pcsPiombo
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