Sunset Fishing RS Competition - Thermo Bag

Da 19.90€


La borsa da surfcasting Sunset RS Competition - Thermo Bag è una borsa termica per esche.  Caratterizzata da una spessa tela impermeabile resiste perfettamente agli schizzi d'acqua e da un tessuto imbottito isola dal calore le esche più fragili. La Sunset RS-Competition Thermo Bag si adatta perfettamente allo scomparto principale del borsone SUNSET RS COMPETITION CONCEPT BAG. La SUNSET RS COMPETITION THERMO BAG ti consente di essere operativo in tutte le circostanze. Tutte le cuciture sono rinforzate e le cerniere hanno chiusure lampo in ABS per prevenire la formazione di ruggine. L'impugnatura laterale ergonomica in schiuma EVA consente un facile trasporto e maneggevolezza. La versione Large dispone di una tracolla per il trasporto e non è compatibile con la SUNSET RS COMPETITION CONCEPT BAG


1 scomparto isotermico

Spessa tela impermeabile

Resiste agli schizzi d'acqua

Ideale per mantenere fresco e trasportare le esche

1 impugnatura ergonomica in schiuma EVA

La versione LARGE ha una tracolla per il trasporto e non è compatibile con la SUNSET RS COMPETITION CONCEPT BAG


Les SUNSET RS COMPETITION – THERMO BAG M sont des trousses pouvant stocker au frais vos appâts. Elles sont idéales pour organiser vos compétitions ou vos parties de pêche ! Leur toile épaisse imperméable résiste parfaitement aux projections d’eau. Cette trouve matelassée permet de maintenir à l’abri de la chaleur vos appâts les plus fragiles. Les SUNSET RS COMPETITION – THERMO BAG se logent parfaitement dans le dans le compartiment principal du sac carryall SUNSET RS COMPETITION – CONCEPT BAG avec les SPOOL BAG, REEL BAG et WINDER BAG. Le logo sur le rabat de la trousse permet d’identifier rapidement quelle trousse ouvrir pendant le coup de feu. Les SUNSET RS COMPETITION – THERMO BAG permettent d’être opérationnel en toutes circonstances ! Toutes les coutures sont renforcées et les fermetures éclair possèdent des zippers en plastic pour éviter la formation de rouille et prolonger la vite de votre bagagerie SUNSET RS COMPETITION!


Sac de type glacière

Possède 1 compartiment isotherme

Toile épaisse imperméable

Résiste aux projections d’eau

Idéal maintenir au frais et transporter les appâts

Possède 1 poignée en mousse EVA ergonomique

La poignée latérale en mousse EVA ergonomiques permet un transport et une manipulation aisée.

La version LARGE dispose d'une bandoulière pour le transport et n'est pas compatible avec le SUNSET RS COMPETITION CONCEPT BAG



The SUNSET RS COMPETITION – SURFCASTING THERMO BAG  are kits that can store your bait cool. They are ideal for organizing your competitions or your fishing trips! Their thick waterproof canvas is perfectly resistant to splashing water. This padded find keeps your most fragile baits away from the heat. The SUNSET RS COMPETITION – THERMO BAG fits perfectly in the main compartment of the carryall bag SUNSET RS COMPETITION – CONCEPT BAG with the SPOOL BAG , REEL BAG and WINDER BAG . The logo on the case flap makes it easy to identify which case to open during the shot. The SUNSET RS COMPETITION – THERMO BAG allow you to be operational in all circumstances! All the seams are reinforced and the zippers have plastic zippers to prevent the formation of rust and prolong the life of your SUNSET RS COMPETITION luggage! The ergonomic EVA foam side handle allows easy transport and handling.


Cooler type bag

Has 1 isothermal compartment

Thick waterproof canvas

Resists splashing water

Ideal for keeping fresh and transporting bait

Has 1 ergonomic EVA foam handle

The LARGE version has a shoulder strap for transport and is not compatible with the SUNSET RS COMPETITION CONCEPT BAG

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